
Most of magnetism group members took part in the JEMS2018, held 3-7 Sep 2018 in Mainz (Germany).

Aside from presentations mentioned below, Michal Staňo, Vojtěch Uhlíř, and Michal Urbánek promoted the European School on Magnetism 2019.

Below you can find a list of participants and their contribution:

Jon Arregi: Self-assembled metamagnetic FeRh nanoparticles (poster);
Magneto-optical investigation of FeRh nanostructure arrays (poster)

Meena Dhankar: Selective circulation switching by single nanosecond current pulse (poster)

Lukáš Flajšman: Direct writing of magnonic crystals with spatial modulation of magnetic anisotropy (poster)

Michal Horký: Imaging the confinement effects on the metamagnetic behavior of FeRh structures (talk)

Michal Staňo: Layer-resolved magnetic imaging of domains in multilayered mesoscale tubes and their response to magnetic field (talk)

Igor Turčan: Modulation of uniaxial anisotropy in thin Permalloy films driven by artificial local corrugation of the substrate (poster)

Vojtěch Uhlíř

Michal Urbánek: Metastable fcc Fe thin films for focused ion beam magnetic patterning (poster)

Ondřej Wojewoda: Numerical and analytical treatment of magnonic crystals with modulated direction of uniaxial magnetic anisotropy (poster)

Other contributions from CEITEC:

Vinicius Santana: Weak exchange interactions in Cu(II) coordination polymers studied via electron paramagnetic resonance
Yvonna Jirasková: Effect of iron impurities on magnetic properties of nanosized CeO2 and Ce-based compounds