About STAFF3d-spin project
STAFF3d-spin: Synthesis and investigation of Synthetic Tubular AntiFerromagnets For 3D Spintronics
This work was supported by the ESF under the project CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/19_074/0016239 (IMPROVE III).
So far, spintronics has been confined to two dimensions, using patterned multilayered thin films. Here we propose to fabricate, study and model basic building blocks of spintronics (multilayers with different functionalities) in 3D. Namely we will prepare vertical arrays of magnetic multilayered nanotubes - synthetic antiferromagnets with antiparallel orientation of magnetization in two magnetic layers separated by a thin non-magnetic spacer. Such structures with fast magnetization reversal and dynamics could be used e.g. as building blocks of a non-volatile low power consumption memory based on displacement of domain walls by electrical current (racetrack memory 4.0). Non-volatile magnetoresistive random-access memories are already gaining significant attention as regards use in Internet of Things; racetrack memory or devices using 3D architecture can be even more useful in this regard.
Nanotubes with nanometer-thick metallic layers will be prepared by atomic layer deposition inside nanoporous templates with cylindrical pores. Aside from measurements on arrays we will investigate also individual nanostructures (laid on a substrate for the ease of investigation) by electrical magnetoresistance measurements and magnetic microscopies (e.g. using electrons and polarized X-rays) and we will try to probe domain walls in these. The growth will be guided and measurements supported by micromagnetic and in some cases even atomistic simulations. The cylindrical (tubular) geometry is natural for the selected fabrication techniques and templates. On top of that, the curved geometry is very interesting as regards an interplay of curvature and magnetism that leads to phenomena such as curvature-induced anisotropy and magnetochirality.
Below you can find presentations delivered during the project.
- Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) in Magnetism and Spintronics [Winter retreat, 2020-01-27]
- Women in Science quiz [CEITEC BUT teatime, 2020-02-05]
- Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) of Cobalt [CEITEC Magnetism seminar, 2020-06-03]
- Towards Tubular Synthetic AntiFerromagnets [CEITEC Magnetism seminar, 2020-11-18]
- Update on Atomic Layer Deposition (Ru, Co, HfOx nanotubes) [CEITEC Magnetism seminar, 2021-06-02]
- Electroless plating of magnetic nanotubes [CEITEC Magnetism seminar, 2021-11-24]