News & Media

June 1, 2024: [New publications] Unveiling the ultrafast structural dynamics of FeRh

In collaboration with the University of Postdam, and by using time-resolved X-ray diffraction, we investigate the fundamental timescale of domain nucleation processes during the laser-induced phase transition in FeRh. We also find ways to accelerate the transition by taking advantage of plasmonic absorption effects in nanostructured FeRh.

New publications:

19 May 2023: New wave of publications (field concentrators, magnonics, FeRh)

Magnetic flux concentrators

Multiple articles have been published recently on various topics - magnetic field concentrators, magnonics, and FeRh metamagnets:

31 January 2023: FeRh nanoislands paper published

Preserving Metamagnetism in Self-Assembled FeRh Nanomagnets , ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15 (6), 8653-8665 (2023). Link, also on arXiv.

Keywords : Self-assembly, FeRh, Solid-state dewetting, Metamagnetism, Antiferromagnetism, Supercooling

Subjects:  Dewetting, Magnetic properties, Nanoparticles, Phase transitions, Surface energy.

3 November 2022 : Igor Turčan defended his PhD thesis; new group members (visiting researchers)

Igor successfully defended his doctoral thesis "Magnetism in curved geometries". We wish Igor good luck both in personal and further professional life at Thermo Fisher Scientific company  and congratulate him on his recent promotion.

Further personal changes in the group
Friederike Ringe finished her internship. To balance the number of people, we now welcome 2 visiting researchers: Andrey Voronov (PhD student from University of Vienna) and Francisco Javier Peña Espinoza (UNAM, Mexico).

Magnetic Metasurfaces for sustainable Information and Communication technologies, project website

5 October 2022 : MetaMagIC project meeting in Liège

Within the CHIST-ERA project MetaMagIC, we took part in the project workshop at University of Liège. Jan Hajduček presented our results on TEM magnetic imaging of flux concentrators on SiN membranes

MetaMagIC project logoOur team at Liège-GuilleminsMetaMagIC project members

15 September 2022 : Celebrating 10th anniversary of CEITEC with new preprints

While the 10th anniversary of CEITEC was already in 2021, only now we could celebrate it properly with other colleagues. Aside from listening to live folk music, our team members also took part in traditional Moravian dancing.

New preprints on metamagnets and magnonics are available:

14 November 2021 : CEITEC partnership with BeMAGIC ITN (Magnetoelectrics beyond 2020)

Being a partner organization of the BeMAGIC ITN (Innovative Training Network) we are now hosting 2 PhD Researchers:

  • Eleftherios Niapos (TTS) - enrolled for PhD at CEITEC; Topic: Metal/oxide bilayers for non-volatile magnetoelectrics
  • Gajanan Pradhan (IRNIM) - secondment at CEITEC; Topic: Electric field-induced reversal of magnetization in multiferroic topological nanostructures

22 October 2021 : Tree Planting - 10th anniversary of CEITEC (+ plum products, barbecue)

A plum tree (1 out of 10) was planted by "magnetic forces" as a part of celebrations of the 10th anniversary of CEITEC, our umbrella organization. Some may object that magnetic forces do no work; given the fact that the hole digging (major work) was done by someome else, we find the above statement appropriate :).

The planting was followed by a small barbecue and degustation of plum products (external source for the time being).

29 April 2021 : New "wave" of published/accepted publications!

Paper on imaging of antiskyrmions accepted in Nature Communications!

18 December 2020 : Online Christmas party (with self-made hot/mulled wine) + new publications

Initially planned stroll around the country (walk) had to be replaced by a fully contactless (online) event due to the deteriorating pandemic situation. Nevertheless, we enjoyed some fun and celebrated (applauded to) several personal and team achievements
[ to be revealed at a later stage :) ]. 

Marek Vaňatka submitted his thesis during the online event. Congratulations!

In another development : Two joint papers with Grenoble accepted (magnetic nanotubes, pixaleted DPC /electron holography); New preprints on spinwaves and antiskyrmions available on ArXiv. See our list of Publications for more details.

14 July 2020 : APL coverpage: Propagation of spin waves through a Néel domain wall

Our recent publication was selected as a featured article and appeared on the cover page of APL 117 (2). Double-congratulations to Ondra Wojewoda and Jukub Holobrádek who also successfully defended their master's theses!

Other students'defenses: Lucie Motyčková (master's), Lucie Dočkalová (bachelor's)

13 May 2020 : New articles published (PRB, PRApplied + new arXiv preprint)

Recently 2 works of the group have been published:

7 February 2020ThermoFisher sholarships

Václav Roučka, Jan Hajduček and Libor Vojáček were chosen by ThermoFisher as awardees of this year TFS stipendium. Congratulations!

Women in Science quiz - winners 5 February 2020 : Women in Science quiz (CEITEC BUT teatime)

  • Lucka M. together with Jan Staněk (outside the group) won the quiz!
  • Ondra W. and Jakub H. were 2nd! Congratulations!

Soon you will be able to take the quiz as well (slides) and test your knowledge. Can you have more than 12 correct answers (out of 15)?

27-29 January 2020 : Magnetism Winter Retreat (Vlachovice): Seminars & Discussions & Physical training

Seminar contributions: Group photo - cross-country skiing

  • Igor Turčan: Magnetization dynamics and magnetic resonance
  • Michal Staňo: Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) in Magnetism and Spintronics
  • Michal Horký: Hall effects - Electrical transport studies of materials
  • Marek Vaňatka: VNA operation and measurement of spin wave dispersion
  • Jon Arregi: K-index (Kardashian Index)
  • Michal Urbánek: on negative consequences of obsession with scientometry

European School on Magnetism 2019: Experimental techniques


The 2019 session of the European School on Magnetism took place in Brno, Czech Republic, 2-13 Sep 2019. It was hosted by the Brno University of Technology and the Central European Institute of Technology, and organized by Michal Urbánek and Vojtěch Uhlíř and their groups.

27 September 2019 : Researchers' Night / Noc vědců 2019: Šetrně k planetě

Group members will took part in the 2019 Researchers' Night at CEITEC BUT (mostly in Czech).

26-30 August 2019 : Joint European Magnetic Symposia 2019

Group members participated in JEMS2019 in Uppsala.

6 May 2019 : Science Party 2019 (Popularization of science)
Lukáš Flajšman, Igor Turčan, Jiří­ Jaskowiec and Libor Vojáček took part in popularization of science at Science Party Brno 2019. Some photos here (team members in green T-shirts).

3-7 September 2018 : Joint European Magnetic Symposia 2018

Group members participated in JEMS2018 presenting 2 talks and 7 posters and promoting the European School on Magnetism 2019 (organized by the group). More information here.

11 May 2018: Science Party 2018 (Popularization of science)
Vojta Uhlíř and Lukáš Flajšman took part in popularization of science at Science Party Brno: Celebrate 100 years of the Czech Science and its future.

27 April 2018
Lukáš Flajšman  with his introduction to magnonics won the best talk award @ CEITEC PhD & Postdoc retreat 2018

25 April 2018
Igor Turčan received Brno PhD talent award to support his research on magnetism in curved geometries! Congratulations! Read more on CEITEC website.

18 March 2017
Vojtěch Uhlíř and Jon Ander Arregi introduce magnetic activities of the group in a public TV broadcast.

On 18 March Vojta and Jon presented CEITEC Nano laboratory, nanotechnology, magnetism (magnetic recording) as well as our current research on FeRh nanostructures in public Czech TV (CT1) broadcast (Týden v regionech, 6 min, in Czech). Other group members were featured as well (Jirka Liška, Jirka Jaskowiec, and Michal Horký). Link here